API Key Request
Enter at least eight characters, including at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one numeric character.

TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “TAIYO YUDEN”) will handle your access information to our website, your e-mail address, and all your personal data collected as described below.

1 To provide and maintain Web API service
2 To grasp improvement of Web API service and statistical access information
3 To make contact toward customers in case of being used beyond the normal range of use
4 To send you to e-mail about improvement, change and advertisement (regarding information for products and exhibition)
5 For the purpose of proceeding in order to provide and maintain Web API service and our website

In addition to that, TAIYO YUDEN may disclose your name, e-mail address, your company’s name and country to our subsidiaries and our outsourcers.

As for handling personal information in TAIYO YUDEN, please check Global Privacy Policy for TAIYO YUDEN Group Companies , Disclosures under the "Law for the Protection of Personal Information", and Privacy Policy.
You can only register with the API service if you agree to the above.

Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") is to determine the terms and conditions to be observed by customers (hereinafter referred to as "User") who use the application programming interface (hereinafter referred to as the "API Services") provided by TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "TAIYO YUDEN") via the Internet.
Article 2 (Application of this Terms )
1. When the User start using the API Services, User shall agree that a usage agreement covering this Terms will be established between TAIYO YUDEN and User.
2. If the User accept this Terms and use the API Services on behalf of or on behalf of a corporation or other organization to which the User belong (hereinafter referred to as "Corporations"), the User are deemed to have entered into this Terms with the consent of Corporations and the User represent that the User have the authority and responsibility to attribute the effects of this Terms to Corporations. In this case, if the User cannot attribute the effect of this Terms to the legal entity to which the User belongs, the User who accepts this Terms and uses the API Services shall bear all the responsibility, and TAIYO YUDEN shall execute the performance of this Terms or cancel this Terms at its option.
Article 3 (Changes to this Terms)
TAIYO YUDEN may change this Terms at any time at its discretion. If TAIYO YUDEN changes this Terms, we shall promptly post the revised Terms on this website. In addition, if the User uses the API Services after TAIYO YUDEN posts the revised Terms, the User will be deemed to have accepted the change.
Article 4 (Use of the API Services)
1. The User may use the API Services by the method specified separately by TAIYO YUDEN on the User page.
2. TAIYO YUDEN provides the necessary notification to the User by TAIYO YUDEN website, e-mail or other method specified by TAIYO YUDEN.
3. TAIYO YUDEN may, and the User shall comply with, any restrictions imposed by TAIYO YUDEN, such as application usage, access frequency, access time, display, and other restrictions, as may be necessary for the administration of the API Services, by notifying or contacting the User individually.
4. TAIYO YUDEN may change all or part of the specifications of the API Services at any time without notifying the User.
Article 5 (TAIYO YUDEN and User's Liability)
1. The User shall be solely responsible for the management of the API Services authentication information issued by TAIYO YUDEN.
2. The User shall provide TAIYO YUDEN with the services provided by the User using the API Services and information about the User (hereinafter referred to as "User Information") when TAIYO YUDEN requires otherwise in order to use the API Services. TAIYO YUDEN may refuse to use the API Services if it deems it inappropriate to allow the User to use the API Services based on the User Information.
3. In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the User shall provide TAIYO YUDEN with authentic and accurate information. TAIYO YUDEN shall not be liable for any damage caused to the User or any third party by the User's failure to provide authentic and accurate information.
4. TAIYO YUDEN handles personal information obtained from the Users pursuant to Section 2 of this Article in accordance with Global Privacy Policy for TAIYO YUDEN Group Companies.
5. The User shall be responsible for managing the email address, password, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "E-mail Address, etc.") set on the API Services in accordance with the provisions of TAIYO YUDEN. The User shall not allow a third party to use E-mail Address, etc., nor assign, secure, or otherwise dispose of E-mail Address, etc..
6. In the event of damage due to insufficient management of the email address, errors in the use of the email address, or the use of a third party, the User shall be responsible for such damage, and TAIYO YUDEN shall have no liability whatsoever.
7. In the event that an E-mail address, etc. is leaked to a third party, or if it is suspected that an E-mail Address, etc. is being used by a third party, the User shall immediately notify TAIYO YUDEN to that effect and comply with TAIYO YUDEN's instructions, if any. In this case, TAIYO YUDEN may suspend the E-mail address, etc. as an unauthorized account, and TAIYO YUDEN shall not be liable for any damage caused by the User such suspension.
Article 6 (Restrictions on Use)
1. The scope of information (hereinafter referred to as the “Information”) that the User can obtain through the API Services may be determined at the discretion of TAIYO YUDEN.
2. The User may not transfer or sell Information to a third party. In addition, TAIYO YUDEN prohibits the use of Information beyond the scope of the purpose of use stated by the User at the time of application.
3. The User shall agree that TAIYO YUDEN may monitor applications the User provide to third parties or websites the User create for the purpose of ensuring the reliability of the API Services, and the User represent and warrant that the User will not interfere with such monitoring.
4. TAIYO YUDEN may request a report from User, conduct an investigation, or restrict or suspend the User's use of the API Services if TAIYO YUDEN determines, based on objective and reasonable grounds, that such action is not appropriate in Terms of the User's security and user protection, or is in violation of these Terms.
Article 7 (Intellectual Property Rights)
All industrial property rights such as patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, etc., copyrights, and other rights (hereinafter referred to as "Intellectual Property Rights") relating to the API Services belong to TAIYO YUDEN. The User shall not acquire any Intellectual Property Rights relating to the API Services.
Article 8 (Obligations of Users)
1. If the User provide any services to third parties by using the API Services (These services are hereinafter referred to as "Services for Third Parties".), the User shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, the Act on the Prevention of Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, the Consumer Contract Act and other laws and regulations in the operation of the Services for Third Parties.
2. When the User provide the Services for Third Parties to third parties, the User shall clearly indicate that the User create and operate the Services for Third Parties and that the User are responsible for them.
3. In the event that the User becomes aware of the possibility of information leakage or tampering due to unauthorized access, etc., with regard to the use of the API Services or the provision of Services for Third Parties, the User shall immediately report the possibility to TAIYO YUDEN, and investigate the cause and take measures to prevent the spread of damage, and measures to prevent recurrence.
Article 9 (Non-warranty)
1. TAIYO YUDEN shall make no warranty as to the accuracy, usefulness, legality, absence of defects, security, fitness for a particular purpose, absence of infringement or any other matters concerning the API Services and the Information. TAIYO YUDEN shall not obligate to modify or improve the API Services.
2. TAIYO YUDEN shall not be liable to compensate for any interruption, suspension, termination, unavailability or modification of the provision of the API Services by TAIYO YUDEN, deletion or loss of User messages or information, termination of the usage agreement, loss of data or equipment failure or damage caused by the use of the API Services, or any other damages suffered by the User in connection with the API Services.
3. TAIYO YUDEN shall not be liable for any damages caused to the user due to the inadequacies of the third-party services provided in partnership with TAIYO YUDEN.
Article 10 (Use of Trademarks)
TAIYO YUDEN may use trademarks, logos, etc. owned by the User to the extent and in the manner approved by the User.
Article 11 (Prohibited Matters)
The User shall not engage in any of the following acts when using the API Services.
(1) Using the API Services or Information for services that conflict with TAIYO YUDEN's services
(2) Selling or otherwise providing the Information for a fee
(3) Infringing Intellectual Property Right, trademark, portrait, privacy, honor, other rights or interests of TAIYO YUDEN and other third parties
(4) Disassembling, decompiling, reverse engineering or otherwise deciphering the source code of the API Services
(5) Making special access or obtaining information beyond the scope of normal use by scraping, crawling (crawlers, robots, spiders, and other programs) or other similar means
(6) Making an Internet access point unknown
(7) Making fraudulent or excessive requests to services through the API Services, or excessively accessing or attacking the API Services (whether intentionally or unintentionally or negligently)
(8) Using URLs that contain strings identical to or similar to TAIYO YUDEN trademarks in the creation of applications
(9) Acts related to criminal activity or contrary to public policy
(10) Acts in violation of laws and regulations or internal rules of TAIYO YUDEN or the trade association to which the user belongs
(11) Acts of transmitting information containing computer viruses or other harmful computer programs
(12) Acts of falsifying information available about the API Services
(13) Acts that may interfere with TAIYO YUDEN's provision of the API Services
(14) Other acts deemed inappropriate by TAIYO YUDEN
Article 12 (Suspend, Stop, and Terminate)
1. TAIYO YUDEN may suspend or suspend the use of the API Services in whole or in part without prior notice to the User in any of the following cases:

(1) when inspecting or maintaining computer systems pertaining to the API Services
(2) when communication lines, etc. stop due to an accident
(3) when the provision of this API Services becomes impossible due to force majeure such as fire, power failure, natural disaster, etc.
(4) in other cases where TAIYO YUDEN deems it necessary to suspend or suspend

2. TAIYO YUDEN may terminate the provision of this API Services at the convenience of TAIYO YUDEN. In this case, TAIYO YUDEN shall notify the User in advance by such means as posting a notice on a prescribed website.
3. TAIYO YUDEN shall not be liable for any damage caused to the User based on any action taken by TAIYO YUDEN under this Article.
Article 13 (Compensation or Compensation by Users)
1. If the User cause damage to TAIYO YUDEN, users of user-provided services, or third parties by violating any of the matters set forth in this Terms or the user page, the User shall be compensated for the full amount of such damage (Including attorney's fees.).
2. The User shall resolve, at User’s own risk and expense, any claims, claims, or other disputes arising with service users or third parties in connection with the provision and operation of user-provided services.
Article 14 (Confidentiality)
1. The User shall treat the confidential information (hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Information") including the specifications of the API Services as strictly confidential, shall not disclose, provide or divulge to any third party without the prior written consent of TAIYO YUDEN, and shall not use the same for any purpose other than that for which the User has requested TAIYO YUDEN in advance.
2. If the User agrees to this Terms the API Services on behalf of a corporation, etc., the User shall disclose the Confidential Information only to employees who need to know the Confidential Information in order to use the API Services, shall keep the Confidential Information so that no one other than the employee may come into contact with the Confidential Information, and shall make its officers and employees who come into contact with the Confidential Information aware of and comply with the confidentiality obligations set forth in this Agreement.
Article 15 (Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces)
TAIYO YUDEN may immediately terminate this Terms without any notice if any of the following items applies to the User or any officer, employee, or person who substantially controls the management of a juridical person, etc., TAIYO YUDEN shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User because of termination of this Terms under this Article.
TAIYO YUDEN shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User as a result of the termination of this Terms in accordance with this Article.
(1) If the User is a crime syndicate, a member of a crime syndicate, a group affiliated with a crime syndicate, or a person related to such a group, or any other antisocial force (hereinafter referred to as "Anti-Social Forces");
(2) When the User has used Anti-Social Forces;
(3) When the User have facilitated the maintenance and operation of Anti-Social Forces by providing funds or other benefits to such Anti-Social Forces;
(4) When the User have close associations with Anti-Social Forces;
(5) When the User have committed an act of violence, fraud, threat, or obstruction of business against TAIYO YUDEN, either by themselves or by using a third party;
(6) When the User have committed an act that may damage the reputation or credibility of TAIYO YUDEN, either by themselves or by using a third party.
Article 16 (Termination of the Usage Agreement)
TAIYO YUDEN may immediately terminate this Terms and suspend the use of the API Services by the User if the User falls under any of the following circumstances:
(a) the User breaches any obligation under this Terms, or commits faulty trades relating thereto and fails to cure such breach within a reasonable period of time after receiving written notification from the non-breaching party;
(b) a bill or a check of the other party is dishonored, or the other party becomes insolvent, or suspends payments to its creditors generally or is unable or admits its inability to pay its debt;
(c) petitions are presented or proceedings are commenced for bankruptcy, special liquidation, reorganization or rehabilitation, and/or for the appointment of a trustee or an administrator over the assets of the User;
(d) a petition for provisional attachment, attachment, execution or auction, is filed against the User, or its financial condition falls significantly;
(e) the User’s business license is cancelled or the User is ordered to shut down by a regulatory authority;
(f) a resolution is made for a dissolution, a merger, a company split, capital reduction or a transfer of business; or
(g) the terminating party admits that any of the above a) to f) is likely to occur.
Article 17 (Assignment of Rights)
The User may not, without the prior consent of TAIYO YUDEN, transfer User contractual position arising from this Terms, assign or have a third party succeed to all or part of User rights and obligations arising from this Terms, or provide security for a third party.
Article 18 (Severability)
Even if any part or provision of this Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining parts or provisions shall not be affected by such holding.
Article 19 (Language)
Even if this Terms are translated into another language, the Japanese content shall take precedence over the other language.
Article 20 (Governing Law and Agreed Jurisdiction)
Unless otherwise specified, the interpretation and application of this Terms shall be governed by Japanese laws and regulations in Japanese, and the Tokyo District Court shall be the court with exclusive jurisdiction over the first instance of any dispute concerning this Terms and the API Services.